Very suspicious “LoadPerf” logs Error 3001 您所在的位置:网站首页 loadperf 3001 Very suspicious “LoadPerf” logs Error 3001

Very suspicious “LoadPerf” logs Error 3001

#Very suspicious “LoadPerf” logs Error 3001| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Every time I have an issue that sends me to TechNet, my heart sinks.  I know I am in over my head, but I gratefully request the swimming lessons offered in this forum. 


I just discovered a whole slew of crazy “LoadPerf” logs for Error 3001 that I can’t imagine are legitimate.    I have one Windows 7 Home computer, no network, not even a wireless connection. Every time I search about this concern, it kicks me into TechNet's Vista Forums. 

·         Both Windows Updates and Webroot updates have been applied, and both scans detected no issue. 

·         Update settings: Download them for me, but let me install. 

·         (On multiple occasions, by the way, I've  gone to install updates that are shown as downloaded, and they all fail until I hook up to the net and download them again.)

·         While installing MS Updates today, I got a popup from Webroot saying something like, “XYZ.exe is doing repeated  questionable actions; we blocked it the first time.  Would you like to continue blocking?"  And I absent-mindedly just clicked yes without making a note of the offender. I unsuccessfully tried to search both WebRoot's and Windows Scan logs for information about that event. 

·         I sent a note to Webroot about this, and haven’t yet heard from them.

·        This led me to a search of my event logs, hoping to find that info there, and found all these suspicious 3001 errors.   

To To begin with, I don't understand why any LoadPerf would be going on if I have one single computer that is not networked to anything except my ISP servers (and I get it, the Net is a wild and wooly place...) Do these look legitimate to anyone?


The performance counter name string value in the registry is not formatted correctly. The malformed string is oft얟愨E耀Fra얝愨w耀

k\v엣愨0耀031엡愨_耀two엧愨i耀Per엥愨o耀ter엫愨h耀. The first DWORD in the Data section contains the index value to the malformed string while the second and third DWORDs in the Data section contain the last valid index values.


The performance counter name string value in the registry is not formatted correctly. The malformed string is 緰hÄb潔滔. The first DWORD in the Data section contains the index value to the malformed string while the second and third DWORDs in the Data section contain the last valid index values.


The performance counter name string value in the registry is not formatted correctly. The malformed string is 鴀8. The first DWORD in the Data section contains the index value to the malformed string while the second and third DWORDs in the Data section contain the last valid index values.


Who among the great unwashed, such as I am, pays attention to their event logs?? Hardly anyone, I would bet.  Can anyone offer any reasonable explanation for all this? 


Who among the great unwashed, such as I am, pays attention to their event logs?? Hardly anyone, I would bet.  But now I am in the pool.  Oh dear. 


Thanks in advance for the swimming lessons. 






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